The objective of Meals on Wheels in Hunterdon's nutrition program services is to assist the elderly and disabled of Hunterdon County, NJ avoid unwanted institutionalization by making it possible for them to live at home in comfort, safety and dignity.
The menus are prepared by a Registered Dietitian. All menus meet the State mandated minimum of 1/3 of the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) requirement. With the exchange of fruit or sugar-free desserts the menu can accommodate diabetic needs. Meatloaf substitution is offered Monday through Friday.
The program we know today as 'Meals on Wheels' had a very heroic start. During World War II in London, the British Woman's Voluntary Service devised a mobile canteen that made deliveries to people who were shut in during the Blitz. In the US, Margaret Toy is credited with the concept of Meals on Wheels that we know today. A Philadelphia Salvation Army worker, she consulted with a dietitian to develop menus and enlisted a corps of volunteers to deliver meals to homebound seniors. The tie between proper nutrition and good health became better understood and by 1965 some federal funding was made available through the Older Americans Act to states interested in setting up nutrition programs.
Meals on Wheels in Hunterdon, Inc. was incorporated in the State of New Jersey in November 1990 and was granted exemption from Federal Income Tax under 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in Section 501 (c)(3). Meals on Wheels in Hunterdon, Inc. is a private non-profit corporation. Prior to this, Meals on Wheels was part of a home care agency and has been serving Hunterdon County seniors since 1973.
The purpose for which this Corporation is organized is to assist the homebound elderly and disabled of Hunterdon County, NJ to maintain and improve their health by delivering nutritious meals to them, and to operate congregate nutrition centers that serve elderly residents of Hunterdon County who are not homebound by providing nutritionally balanced hot meals, educational, cultural and social activities. (Persons eligible for our programs are those individuals who are age 60 or older.)
Meals on Wheels purchases our food in bulk from a caterer called Nu-Way Concessionaires, Inc. in Kearny, NJ. The food arrives hot and temperatures are maintained by steam tables until the food is apportioned by part-time staff according to each route. Menus are prepared by a consulting Registered Dietitian, and all meals/menus are submitted to the caterer for preparation.
Meals on Wheels in Hunterdon, Inc. employs a full-time Executive Director and part-time support staff. The Executive Director reports directly to the voluntary Board of Directors. The voluntary Board of Directors determines Agency policy and supports the Executive Director in carrying-out said policy.
The Agency is partially funded by the Title III Older Americans Act, Client Meal Donations, Contributions Income, Foundation Grants and Fundraising.
Meals on Wheels in Hunterdon and its Board of Directors are committed to maintaining a culture that recognizes, promotes, respects and values diversity. Diversity of age, culture, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, experience, thought, unique perspectives and other factors is valued and welcomed at Meals on Wheels in Hunterdon and is consistent with our vision of living a nourished life. An inclusive environment in which all perspectives are intentionally considered results in value of our organization, clients and the communities we serve. Meals on Wheels in Hunterdon is committed to the continual improvement of an inclusive, diverse and equitable workplace where all employees have opportunities and support to succeed and grow. Meals on Wheels in Hunterdon strives to provide a meaningful and welcoming environment that values, respects and honors everyone, which allows people to bring their full selves to work and contribute their individual personal best.
Senior Center - Lower Level
4 Gauntt Place
Flemington, NJ
Church of the Holy Spirit
3 Haytown Road
Lebanon, NJ